Evaluate(T) Method (ConditionValidator(T), Expression(Func(T, Boolean)), String)


Checks whether the specified expression evaluates true on the given value. An exception is thrown otherwise.

Namespace:  CuttingEdge.Conditions
Assembly:  CuttingEdge.Conditions (in CuttingEdge.Conditions.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Function Evaluate(Of T) ( _
	validator As ConditionValidator(Of T), _
	expression As Expression(Of Func(Of T, Boolean)), _
	conditionDescription As String _
) As ConditionValidator(Of T)
public static ConditionValidator<T> Evaluate<T>(
	ConditionValidator<T> validator,
	Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression,
	string conditionDescription
Visual C++
generic<typename T>
static ConditionValidator<T>^ Evaluate(
	ConditionValidator<T>^ validator, 
	Expression<Func<T, bool>^>^ expression, 
	String^ conditionDescription
JavaScript does not support generic types or methods.


Type: CuttingEdge.Conditions..::.ConditionValidator<(Of <(T>)>)
The ConditionValidator<(Of <(T>)>) that holds the value that has to be checked.
Type: System.Linq.Expressions..::.Expression<(Of <(Func<(Of <(T, Boolean>)>)>)>)
The Expression<(Of <(TDelegate>)>) that will be compiled to an Func<(Of <(T, TResult>)>) and executed. When the expression is a null reference (Nothing in VB) it is considered to evaluate false.
Type: System..::.String
Describes the condition that should hold. i.e.: 'value should be valid'. When the description contains a {0} marker, that marker will be replaced with the actual name of the parameter. The description will be used in the message of the thrown exception.

Type Parameters

The type of the Value of the specified validator.

Return Value

The specified validator instance.


This method will display a string representation of the specified expression. Although it can therefore give a lot of useful information in the exception message, it the expression has to be compiled on each call. Try using the other Evaluate<(Of <(T>)>)(ConditionValidator<(Of <(T>)>), Boolean) overload in performance sensitive parts of your program.


System..::.ArgumentExceptionThrown when the expression evaluated false or is a null reference, while the specified validator is created using the Requires extension method.
System..::.ArgumentNullExceptionThrown when the expression evaluated false or is a null reference and the Value of the specified validator is a null reference, while the specified validator is created using the Requires extension method.
System.ComponentModel..::.InvalidEnumArgumentExceptionThrown when the expression evaluated false or is a null reference and the Value of the specified validator is an Enum type, while the specified validator is created using the Requires extension method.
CuttingEdge.Conditions..::.PostconditionExceptionThrown when the expression evaluated false or is a null reference, while the specified validator is created using the Ensures extension method.

See Also